Monday, February 11, 2008

Drip Down

Rumors, rumors and ill feelings. No matter who we're put together with, our own pride maybe, or expectations, or maybe the illusion of permanence, as the Buddhists think, make every kind of secret complaining or outright animosity spring out of initially stand-offish people. I've also heard that familiarity breeds contempt, which may be the case.

I think I may be cursed to apathy as well, controllable, but difficult to push back once it gets hold. It's just that once it gets going I have a damned time mustering the will to change it. All becomes bad and nothing good. If I can use the boredom and hatred, by historical figures, of their respective situations and occupations I still have to accept the revulsion of the present moment they must have experienced, and the suffering they must have endured for what we can justify in retrospect.

I'm also just tired of this shit.

The deployment was supposed to happen, then was canceled, then was supposedly pushed back a month. As of last week I found that, without being told anything, I had been replaced. Today, the verdict is, we're not sure, you might go.

I can't bring myself to be neutral about this place. Maybe malcontent would be a more accurate description. I just really hate what I'm doing. People have gone thru it with their chins up and bright prospects. That's just not me. And maybe I'm using this situation as an excuse to fan my coals of dissatisfaction. I can almost guarantee I am. I just choose not to put energy into finding the merits. Probably a poor response. I've really lost interest in determining that.

In contrast, here's a bit about the new Bond movie.


Amy T Schubert said...

love you.

what are you going to do when you're free?

not that long now ...

NanAZ said...

It's good to see you posting again! I'm sorry that you're having to suffer through such poor planning. It's got to be driving you nuts.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

It's ok to dislike what you do. I despise it almost entirely. Some people get by lying to themselves and living with it. Who wants to live like that? Just do what you really enjoy in between [the shit] and maybe things won't seem as bad. Most people feel the same way. You just gotta figure out who the ones who feel like listening to your aches are.