Sunday, June 22, 2008


Why am I having waiter dreams? And moreover why are they in McDonalds? If you've ever been a waiter, you probably sympathize. But usually they come in the few weeks or months when you first start working someplace. Oh no, I forgot that or...I've made this table wait forever or...How am I gonna do this special order.

But last night the McDonald's customers in my head had me running around getting chocolate mousse covered pretzels and low carb fish hash browns. At one point I was putting the order in to the computer and the food just popped out of the machine - then I had to work backwards cause it didn't give me a receipt for everything. My manager was some big gangly dark looking guy that couldn't figure out what was going on and didn't seem to care.

How very strange. I spent all of yesterday shut in and maybe it's cabin fever or something. I'd better go out and gamble away some money or anything else to get me out of these three rooms.

1 comment:

NanAZ said...

I used to hate the waitress nightmares that I had when I started a new job. They seemed to last all night and nothing ever was accomplished in the dream. We sure wish you could have been with us this weekend. We had lots of fun with all the Hann family.

Miss you lots!