Thursday, February 8, 2007

on a jet Plane

So tomorrow I leave AZ for the second time in a month. Around 11 am look to the skies, if you see a southwest plane heading northeastish, I'll be waving at you from the window. So if you have a telescope and I remember to wave, there's a very slim chance you'll see me. I leave behind a lot of fond memories. Like the time I was in the garage eating cheddar, and the time I was eating swiss. Phoenix, I know it's the winter, but I'm all hot blooded for you. Back to Omaha I go, so if you see the forcast for the midwest is a lot cooler, you know why. Cause I'm there. And I'm pretty cool.

Also I got a job in Yeovil. Wherever that is. Tickle me? (scroll down halfwayish)


Amy T Schubert said...

apparently also shooting people ...

Terry said...

Hey ... what happenned to all our cheese?

Anonymous said...

When were you a nipper?