Today: Vacuum.
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I've been reading that book for nigh on 2 months. It's interesting and I like it...but it puts me to sleep whenever I try to read it. I don't know...I like a lot of the specifics, and I like the overall idea of the book, it just goes too long on some bits, for me. I mean, the guy won the pullitzer prize for his last book, so far be it for me to critique his writing, but once we've talked about tree rings, pollen samples, and top soil erosion...sometimes I just can't hang in there when the next sentence is "Moving in to the next major climate zone in Australia, we encounter five new major problems:" I'm just overwhelmed with the nearly irreversible environmental damage we've caused...and I need a nap to get over it. I have 150 pages left and I need to knock those out today to get on to the rest of my book stack:
Also I want to finish the first draft of a short story I started yesterday. Short storys always pose a problem for me cause when I started doing any writing, when I was in like 3rd grade or something, it was always in imitation of Lord of the Rings or Narnia. So I'd just go on and on in whatever epic quest these mythical creatures were on and I didn't have to worry about tightening up the story or characters. But when all you have is 5000 or less words, you have to be a lot more economical and impactful with the little you write.
What do you want for your birthday -- and when can I read your short story?
PS I'm starting to make lists too ...
PPS. I tried vacuuming yesterday and I think our vacuum is broken.
I think it's really funny that you both made fun of me for making lists and now you're doing it too. At least none of us are as bad as Grandma Jaye...yet.
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