Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Revelation

I went shopping today. I was out at the post office mailing something and I decided to go and look for some artwork I could buy for my blank walls. I found some at Target. In the course of shopping, I also got 4 candles, 2 candle warmers, 2 sheets, a shower curtain and liner, a computer chair, and I think that's it. The artwork was actually one of the last things I ended up getting. In my head I was thinking that I needed some artwork, I needed it. My walls were too blank. They created an unwelcoming and ultimately unfulfilling, unhomely atmosphere. At the same time I was reminded of the words of Tyler Durden (through Chuck Palahnuik), "Why do I know what a duvee is? Is it essential to my survival, in the hunter gatherer sense of the word? No. So what are we?" "We're consumers." "Exactly." And then later. "We work jobs we hate so that we can buy shit we don't need." I feel like I have to surround myself with this stuff, but I don't. Pictures and candles make me feel good because I was born in America during the late 20th century. I don't need it, it does little if anything for me, and it takes resources away from things that might really be significant. I thought this, but I still bought all the "shit" I did.


Anonymous said...

We buy stuff because it makes us happy but it doesn't satisfy us for long so we go and buy more stuff.

I think candles and artwork are useful. They aren't a necessity but they can help a person feel relaxed, which is a good thing.

Amy T Schubert said...

you have seen my DVD, book and cd collection, right?

NanAZ said...

I think lists and artwork are more important to visual people. That's why decorating, photography, art, color, etc. are so important to me. They satisfy my visual needs. That's also probably why those things aren't important to your dad, because he's not a visual person. He can hear things and remember them. He doesn't need to see them written down, like I do.