Sunday, April 15, 2007

Da Bears

I've been watching the Travel Channel all day. I think I'm quite a conservationalist. I get really excited when they talk about how back in '95 they introduced 30 wolves back into Yellowstone, after they had been hunted to the point of extinction, and now their numbers are over 300. Maybe I should go study forestry or something else useful only to become a park ranger (and make no money the rest of my life).

I'm never gonna decide what I want to do when I grow up.


NanAZ said...

I think Dad and I both thought about being park rangers when we were growing up. I think something related to nature would be great for you as long as it includes some contact with people too. You could be the guy that does the nature hikes and stuff. Hey, I'm hearing about lots of new eco-friendly tours starting up. You would be awesome at that and it would probably pay better if you ran your own company. I've thought about starting a tour company we could travel more.

Miranda said...

you could be a canadian mounty... awesome!!! I love your mom's idea of hiking tours for you... you seriously would be great at stuff like that!

Amy T Schubert said...

welcome to my life. ..

NanAZ said...

We just saw a show about the Grand Tetons and they have guys who do rock climbing training and mountain search and rescue, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, skiing and a bunch of other stuff. I think that would be a perfect place for you.

I think your language skills would also give you an advantage over other candidates due to the potential tourist connection.