Wednesday, March 26, 2008

If Any of You Lack Wisdom...

Tomorrow. 730 am. Wisdom teeth. Farewell dear friends. Don't try to hold on too tight, you'll just end up hurting us both. Let's just go our separate ways, and remember what we had. You had the inside of my gums...and I had, a sort of nagging soreness every once in a while.

Oh, and I changed my blog colors.


The deed is done. It took like an hour and a half I think, which is sort of a while. I slept, drooled blood on some stuff, and it could be the opiates I've got in my system, but I don't feel too bad right now. Let's hope it stays that way.


Amy T Schubert said...

good luck.
who's going to be making you mashed potatoes when you're sprawled on the couch for the next few days?

NanAZ said...

How are you feeling today?

We're praying for you.

Do you know of any place nearby that delivers mashed potatoes?

Anonymous said...

cuspids and bicuspids....