Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Here is #1 of the Six Worst Thing Harry Potter's Success Has Wrought, which is not all that interesting of an article. I'll write about my own life one of these days, but in the meantime, read what came out as number one below. What the hell!? -

General fan wankery amongst hardcore Harry Potter devotees is the stuff of legend. Harry Potter has, as of this writing, 360,039 entires on Fanfiction.net alone. For comparison, every single Final Fantasy game combined has only 48,977 entries. Harry Potter fan wankery also has earned the distinct award of being by far the gayest of any fandom out there that isn't related in any way to furries or something, which is quite a feat considering how much Yaoi is out there.

If there's any one thing to nail down how specifically and completely fucked up a lot of the hardcore, sexually frustrated Harry Potter fans are, it's MPREG. For those (luckily) uninitiated, MPREG stands for Male Impregnation. Or maybe not, since I refuse to look too specifically into the matter, but the gist of it is that there is a large contingent of grown men and women writing, drawing, and fantasizing about Severus Snape getting a large, distended belly that is filled with the seed of Harry or Draco or Ron or even all three, utterly defying any sense of logic and human decency with the simple theory that Harry Potter has magic, anything can happen!

I leave you now with an excerpt from Bleudiablo's MPREG Harry/Snape fanfic, "Someone Else's Father":

She blinked then moved her gaze from Harry's abdomen to Severus, "He's aborting."

"But there is no blood," Severus replied, not arguing about the fact that his mate was -had been- pregnant, many male wizards, especially powerful ones could get pregnant.

"It's a magical abortion, his body is reabsorbing everything, I doubt he even knew he was pregnant but he no longer is. I think the shock of finding out about you and father made something in his subconscious abort." Severus shivered and grabbed his mate's hand, he was sorry that they wouldn't be having a child soon but Harry was more important, "Will he be okay?"

"Yes, he should wake up in about an hour but will be weak for about a week, he shouldn't do any unnecessary or strong spells but there is no real danger with magical abortions. I'll contact Albus tell him he'll need someone to teach both of your classes tomorrow."

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