Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I love this stuff. This picture had 50,000 galaxies in it, you can zoom in and see the shape of some of the closer ones - spirals and stuff. 80 years ago, we didn't even know that other galaxies existed outside our own. We have only observed a few other planetary systems in our own galaxy so far - there are billions more to be observed in the Milky Way alone - plus billions of other galaxies that have billions of stars thatmay have systems, if we ever progress that far technologically.


NanAZ said...

Yes, pretty awesome stuff! I love the colors. We use some of these pics for backgrounds for PowerPoint for the worship songs at church.

Amy T Schubert said...

I can't wait to meet an alien ..

Kirby said...

oooh aliens... i am so excited... i too can't wait to meet a lifeform from another planet. that would be awesome!!! :)