Monday, March 17, 2008

Your Picture Frame is Cracked, I get one per year

I've been obsessed with these guys, and especially this song lately.

The Sound of Animals Fighting - You Don't Need A Witness

Give it a couple listens, it'll grow on you. They figure out the drum line first, then write the rest of the song around it.

My guitar got gotten out a few days ago (note the gregarious passive voice) and I've been playing it a lot. I think it'd be fun to just put together some cover songs and perform at like an open mic around here. It's just a fledgling idea right now, and my voice aint what it used to be, so we'll see. This idea, you can only whisper it, anything more and it would vanish, it's so fragile.

1 comment:

Shawnie T said...

love these guys...great album