Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Boxes that were a Room

Everything is unpacked. Not arranged. My kitchen counter is covered in cleaning supplies, cords, and DVDs, but everything I'm keeping is finally out of the box. I separated out everything Erin's taking and put it in my "dining room" which will really be my "drum room" once it's clear...and once I have drums. Here are a few pictures from various perspectives of all the boxes in said drum room.

The TV is behind me in these two pictures, so you can compare it to the one with the TV in it from before. But behind this wall of boxes, on the right hand wall is a closet where I'm keeping cleaning supplies like the swiffer, the broom, and it's also temporarily my guitar closet, and I needed access to that. So I cut a path. The next picture is from the kitchen, which you can see off to the left in the previous pictures.

And one looking back at the kitchen...

I've had the tetris song running thru my head all night.


Amy T Schubert said...

"drum room"?? your neighbors hate you ...

nothing in your bedroom?

Kevun said...

electric drums. with headphones. my bedroom has the air matress and the empty boxes right now.

Miranda said...

I love the decorative motif... the boxes say very hobo chic. I often have games of tetris running through my head... I think of all the possible block combinations.