Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Professor

Here's the guy. I don't think he's eaten anything still. But he'll get hungry enough I'm thinking that it won't matter if he likes what I got him or not. This picture's with the new camera I got today. It was only like 75 bucks, and I don't think I can set the white balance, just pick from some presets, so that's what you get. I'll have more pictures of my apartment and stuff. It's pretty cluttered still.


NanAZ said...

He does look like he's got some character. Shredder is actually part Persian and part Siamese. If you smash her fur flat on her face you can see that her face is shaped like a Siamese.

Amy T Schubert said...

He's pretty ... in a manly way (did you watch Scrubs last night?)