Tuesday, January 16, 2007


My stuff is coming tomorrow, which means goodbye air mattress, maybe.

Once my stuff is arranged I'm thinking of getting a cat, which means that amy and andrew can't stay with me unless I get a hairless cat, which isn't an option, but I can put amy and andrew up in billetting on base which will be like staying with me only cheaper and hopefully with more consistant water temperature. The water temperature here varies from mountain-stream-cold to I-have-to-grab-the-shower-curtain-to-use-as-a-shield-hot, all without the inconvenience of actually having to turn the knob on the faucet. I'm thinking of naming the cat Professor ______. Suggestions? The best I've thought of so far is Professor Eyeball. I'll call him/her Professor most of the time.

There is a "laundramat" (laundrymatte?) in this apartment building but it's $2.50 to do a load from wash to dry. Instead, I could take it to a Korean lady right at the base entrance who does it all, including ironing and folding, for $4, which is what I'll be doing. I can also say "Anyanghaseo," to her when I come in, in hopes of a discount (that's hello in korean, it's konichiwah in japanese, ni hao in chinese, and olé in spanish).

I'm probably going to get some new furniture, so I'd also like suggestions for a color scheme. As previously stated the carpet is tan and the walls are white. Red and black seems like it could work. Remember, nothing floral, and no variants of pink, with exception of red. I'll also be installing a disco ball, but I fear that in order to go with a red/black color scheme, I'll have to get a gold one, and those went out in the late 90s. But I'm not sure, any previous experience in this area?


Miranda said...

I vote "Professor Silvestris" (which is part of the trinominal name for most cats)... clever huh? I love wikipedia.

either that or "Professor Pickles".

Amy T Schubert said...

Do you want professor (random word) or Professor (obscure philosopher that only you know)??

Also -- I support the red and black scheme ... let me know if there is anything specific you want for your birthday ...

Also -- please please please name a character in future book/story Ellen Fremedon ... (It's the original old english at the end of line 3 of Beowulf -- it means 'performed glory') ...

NanAZ said...

I beg to differ with Amy. Black and red will really show cat hair and dust. Not the most practical choice for one who doesn't like to do housework. There are some great earthtones out there, chocolate brown, all sorts of tans, etc. Still masculine, but not so drastic that they'll be out of style quickly. And they don't show the dirt and match what's there already. Is there an Ikea anywhere nearby? They have comfortable furniture at reasonable prices. If I have a chance, I'll see if I can send some ideas for you.